Saturday, February 3, 2018

Isolation and screening of thermophilic lignolytic bacterial strains for lignin degrading enzymes

In the present investigation, total twenty two thermophilic lignolytic bacterial cultures were isolated from various sources using Nutrient Agar (NA) and Minimal Salt Medium (MSM) medium with Lignin Alkali (1.0 g/L) by incubating at pH 7 and 50°C for 48 hrs. These isolates were characterized by special reference to their ability towards wide temperature, pH resilience and generation of thermophilic enzymes. For the screening and studying lignin degrading potential, these microbes were grown on MSM agar plates with Methylene Blue dye (0.25g/L). After the incubation time of 48 hrs, these plates were observed for clear (halo) zones form around the streaked strain. Only 5 strains were showing such clear (halo) zones which indicates their potential for degrading lignin.  These screened isolates were then used for further experimental work. 

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Assessment of Water Quality using Pollution-Index in the study stretch of River Chambal, India

The present study is intended to ascertain the quality of water for public consumption and other life supporting activities by way of assessing pollution indices such as Carlson’s trophic state index (C-TSI), eutrophication index (EI), organic pollution index (OPI) and comprehensive pollution index (CPI).The study has been carried out for ten different sites in River Chambal of Madhya Pradesh, India, during pre and post-monsoon 2014. This paper deals with the study on – “How environmental parameters impacts/affects the quality of river water”. In this study, four pollution indices have been determined on the basis of 16physico-chemical parameters, which indicates that the River Chambal  comes under the category of clear (CPI<0.8), oligotrophic (C-TSI<30-40), no eutrophication (EI<1) and excellent water quality (OPI<0). Results also show that the river water is suitable for irrigation and life supporting for flora and fauna. With slight treatment, the water can be made available for drinking as well. The present study shows that EI and OPI index are the best parameters to assess water quality since it gives precise results based on four water quality parameters.

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IRA is indexed in Scientific Indexing Services (SIS)

Integrated Research Advances (IRA) journal 
Integrated Research Advances, ISSN: 2456-334X

Integrated Research Advances (IRA) is a biannual and online international multidisciplinary peer-reviewed, and refereed  research journal. Integrated Research Advances Journal publishes research articles, short communications, review articles, mini-reviews, insights from all branches of Science and Technology including Engineering, Medical, Dental & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Instruments development, analytical tools, Education, Arts and Social Sciences. The journal dedicated for the promotion and dissemination of knowledge. We accept research papers in multidisciplinary areas of research. There is no processing fee for accepted papers. The authors of the accepted papers will have to transfer the copy right to journal in through duly signed copy right transfer form available on website.  Authors should send their request for open access publication to Managing Editor ( The journal publishes articles from all branches of science and technology.

The journal has been indexed by several indexing and abstracting agencies. This year Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) is also started indexing the journal. We thanks all the editorial members, Authors, and readers for their valuable contribution.
The details are available here

Friday, December 22, 2017

Comprehensive Review on Enabling Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI) in Diesel Engines

The demand for higher fuel economy and lower exhaust gas emissions of CI engine cannot be achieved by just using mechanically governed fuel injection systems. The electronically operated fuel injection system is the heart of a CI engine and has become one of the essential technologies to control critical in the recent years. High computing power of microcontrollers has made it possible for controlling injection of fuel electronically at any injection pressure, any crank angle and for any duration during the engine operation. A newer concept of RCCI operation further reduces the particulate matter and NOx emission to almost zero level with slightly higher BTE. Hence, there is a need to discuss the performance, combustion and emission of RCCI engine fuelled with alternative fuels and this paper presents an exhaustive review on these aspects. 

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Friday, November 3, 2017

A literature Review on physiotherapeutic interventions for airway clearance in COPD patients

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is internationally preferred term encompassing chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by airflow obstruction with breathing-related symptoms such as chronic cough, exertional dyspnea, expectoration, and wheeze. These symptoms may occur in conjunction with airway hyper responsiveness and may be partially reversible. Obstructive lung disease includes Chronic bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma, Bronchiectasis and Cystic fibrosis. The result of the present narrative review concluded the effectiveness of Active cycle of breathing technique, Diaphragmatic breathing exercise along with Postural drainage in Chronic Obstructive lung disease in order to achieve the significant improvement and hasten the recovery of the patients.

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